10.36.320   Tour bus zones.
   The parking manager is authorized to determine and to mark tour bus zones as follows:
   A.   Tour Bus Parking Zones. Tour bus parking zones shall be established adjacent or in the vicinity of tourist attractions. The parking manager may issue nontransferable monthly tour bus parking zone permits for tour bus drivers who are also tour guides. The parking manager may condition such permits, as deemed necessary, to ensure the maximum public use of the streets in the vicinity of tourist attractions. Whenever any tour bus parking zone permit is granted, no person shall use the permit for any location other than marked tour bus parking zones. The fee for such permits shall be established by resolution of the city council.
   B.   Tour Bus Loading Zones. Tour bus loading zones shall be established adjacent or in the vicinity of tourist attractions, for the purpose of loading and unloading tourists, sightseers and students. Buses may not park in tour bus loading zones for any time in excess of the period required to load or unload passengers. Bus drivers without permits will be required to park in tour bus storage zones or other legal parking areas except while engaged in loading and unloading operations.
   C.   Tour Bus Storage Zones. Bus storage zones shall be established at nearby locations where parking is available that is not required for adjacent business use. The parking manager will advise bus drivers, in the vicinity of tourist attractions, as to the location of nearby tour bus storage zones. (Prior code § 25.07.127)