9.44.770   Violation-Remedies.
   A.   It is unlawful and a misdemeanor:
      1.   For any person who owns or has custody or control of an animal to fail to comply with each and every condition imposed on a dangerous or potentially dangerous animal.
      2.   For any person who owns or has custody or control of a dangerous or potentially dangerous animal to knowingly fail to exercise ordinary care by allowing an animal to bite or otherwise cause any injury to a person or animal. This section shall not apply when the victim was not conducting themselves lawfully or peacefully.
      3.   For any person to knowingly harbor or hide, or cause to be harbored or hidden, any known dangerous or potentially dangerous animal, or fail to surrender any such animal to the animal care services manager or his or her designee upon demand.
   B.   In addition to any other remedies, the manager may also commence proceedings in accordance with Title 8.
   C.   Nothing herein shall prevent the animal care services manager or any person from utilizing any other remedies available to at law or equity.
   D.   In addition to any other remedies, pursuant to Section 1.28.010(C)(1) and (C)(2)(d), administrative penalties may be imposed when an owner fails to comply with any conditions placed on the owner or the animal through this chapter. (Ord. 2003-044 § 3; prior code § 6.09.108)