9.44.690   Period of quarantine.
   Upon order of the health officer, the period of isolation or quarantine for any animal may be extended to twenty (20) days. If the health officer shall determine that such animal is suffering from rabies and by reason of such disease is dangerous to persons or other animals, he or she shall require that the animal be destroyed. If the health officer shall determine that the animal is not so diseased the animal care services manager shall notify the owner or person from whom custody of the animal was taken, that further isolation or quarantine is unnecessary.
   If the animal was isolated or quarantined at the city animal care services center, it shall not be released until the owner or person from whose custody the animal was taken shall have paid to the animal care services manager the sum per day established by resolution of the city council for keeping such animal; provided, however, that if no person lawfully entitled to such animal shall, within five days after the last day of the quarantine period, appear at the animal care services center and request the release of such animal and pay the charges, such animal may be sold or disposed of. (Ord. 2010-021 § 12; prior code § 6.06.067)