9.44.380   Wild animals-Permit-Required-Exceptions.
   A.   No persons shall own any wild animal without first applying to and receiving from the animal care services manager a permit to do so. The permit requirements of this article are not applicable to the following:
   B.   Owners who use wild animals for diagnostic purposes or research, the use having been approved by the California State Board of Public Health pursuant to Section 1666 of the Health and Safety Code; owners who use wild animals for teaching purposes in recognized educational institutions; owners of establishments which treat or board animals and which are owned or operated by veterinarians licensed by the state of California; owners of game farms or game breeding establishments licensed by the state of California; owners of nonprofit zoological gardens open to the public; owners of pet shops who maintain wild animals solely at their place of business; and owners of circuses which are being presented on or in property owned by a governmental entity. (Ord. 2010-021 § 12; prior code § 6.08.090)