9.44.215   Violation-Administrative penalties.
   In addition to criminal sanctions and other remedies set forth in this code, the city may impose administrative penalties for all violations of this chapter. Administrative penalties shall be imposed, enforced, collected and reviewed in compliance with the provisions of Section 1.28.010 of this code. However, for the specific violations listed in the subsections of this section, the amount of the administrative penalty shall be as stated in that subsection rather than Section 1.28.010 of this code. For all other violations of this chapter not stated in the subsections of this section, the amount of the administrative penalty shall be determined as stated in subsection (D)(3)(a)(b)(c) and (d) of Section 1.28.010 of this code.
   A.   Any person violating subsection A or C of Section 9.44.490 of this chapter, or subsection A or C of Section 9.44.430 of this chapter shall be subject to the following administrative penalties: upon the first violation, a fine of three hundred dollars ($300.00) for each animal with respect to which there is a violation. If the person complies with the applicable section within fourteen (14) days after receiving notice of said violation and presents proof of compliance to the animal care services manager, the fine shall be waived; upon a second or subsequent violation, a fine of not less than five hundred ($500.00) for each animal with respect to which there is a violation. If the person no longer possesses the animal, he or she is still responsible for any and all fines assessed to him or her.
   B.   Any person violating any section of Article X of this chapter, subsection B or (F)(3) of Section 9.44.490 of this chapter, or subsection B or (F)(3) of Section 9.44.430 of this chapter shall be subject to the following administrative penalties: upon the first violation, a fine of five hundred dollars ($500.00) for each animal with respect to which there is a violation, and a second or subsequent violation, a fine of not less than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) for each animal with respect to which there is a violation. If the person no longer possesses the animal, he or she is still responsible for any and all fines assessed to him or her.
   C.   Any person violating any other subsection of Section 9.44.490, any other subsection of Section 9.44.430, any other section of Article IV, or any other section of Article V shall be subject to the following administrative penalties: upon the first violation, a fine of one hundred dollars ($100.00) for each animal with respect to which there is a violation. If the person complies with the applicable section within fourteen (14) days after receiving notice of said violation and presents proof of compliance to the animal care services manager, the fine shall be waived; upon a second or subsequent violation, a fine of not less than five hundred dollars ($500.00) for each animal with respect to which there is a violation. In the event that the person no longer possesses the animal, he or she is still responsible for any and all fines assessed to him or her.
   D.   A minimum of fifty (50) percent of all penalty fees collected pursuant to this section and fifty (50) percent of all unaltered license fees collected by animal care shall be placed in a sterilization fund and used to finance public or private programs that provide sterilization programs to low-income individuals or families in the city. (Ord. 2010-022 § 2; Ord. 2007-020 § 2)