9.16.020   Diving and mooring of vessels prohibited.
   No person shall engage in scuba diving or any other form of diving in, or moor a vessel or other object in the area described as follows:
   All that certain real property situated in the city of Sacramento, county of Sacramento, state of California, described as follows:
   BEGINNING at a point where the flood wall of the Sacramento River intersects the Northern right-of-way line on J Street; thence, Westerly along a line perpendicular to the flood wall 150?, thence, Southerly along a line parallel to the flood wall 150?; thence, Easterly along a line perpendicular to the flood wall 150? or that distance to the point of intersection with the flood wall; thence, Northerly along the wall 150? to the point of beginning; containing 9,000 square feet, more or less.
(Prior code § 26.01.004)