9.10.100   Clean needle and syringe exchange project.
   A.   Pursuant to California Health and Safety Code Sections 121349 through 121349.3, in consultation with the State Department of Health Services and as part of a network of comprehensive services to combat the spread of HIV and blood-borne hepatitis infection among injection drug users, the city council authorizes a clean needle and exchange program.
   B.   The county of Sacramento health officer, as health officer for the city of Sacramento, shall administer the program.
   C.   The city manager and designee are authorized to enter any agreements for operation of the program.
   D.   A provider interested in administering a clean needle and syringe exchange program in the city shall notify the county health officer before beginning the program and shall comply with any program rules and regulations established by the county health officer for administration of the program. A provider shall also report to the health officer, on a quarterly basis, statistics that include but need not be limited to the number of needles exchanged, the number of referrals made for other services, and the number of law enforcement incidents related to the project.
   E.   Within one year of the effective date of the ordinance enacting this section, and annually thereafter, the city council shall hold a meeting at which the county of Sacramento health officer, as the health officer for the city of Sacramento, shall present a report detailing the status of the project, including but not limited to, relevant statistics on blood-borne infections associated with needle sharing activity. (Ord. 2007-006 § 2)