9.10.020   Local Disease Prevention Demonstration Project-Health department requirements.
   Within the physical boundaries of the city, there is established a Local Disease Prevention Project satisfying the requirements for such a program as set forth in Section 121285 of the Health and Safety Code. The county of Sacramento health department serving as health officer for the city of Sacramento shall be responsible for the following:
   A.   Creating and maintaining a registry of pharmacies located within the city of Sacramento desiring to participate in the Local Disease Prevention Demonstration Project. The registry will include:
      1.   Contact name and related information for each pharmacy;
      2.   Certification in the form of an attestation by an individual authorized to sign on behalf of each pharmacy that at the time of the furnishing or sale of hypodermic needles or syringes pursuant to this provision, the pharmacy will provide customers with written or oral information on all the following:
         a.   How to access drug treatment,
         b.   How to access testing and treatment for HIV and hepatitis C, and
         c.   How to safely dispose of sharps waste.
   B.   Making available to the pharmacies, written information on:
      1.   How to access drug treatment;
      2.   How to access testing and treatment for HIV and hepatitis C; and
      3.   How to safely dispose of "sharps waste," so that such information may be provided or reproduced to be provided by the pharmacy at the time of furnishing or sale of nonprescription hypodermic needles or syringes. (For purposes of this chapter, "sharps waste" means hypodermic needles, syringes and lancets.) (Ord. 2006-048)