9.04.010   Gambling in general.
   A.   Definitions. The following words and phrases whenever used in this section shall be construed as defined in this section.
   "Bet" and "betting" includes an agreement, express or implied, between two or more persons that money or some representative of value contributed by those so agreeing shall become the property of one or some of them upon the happening or not happening in the future of an event which, at the time the agreement is reached, is an uncertainty, or upon the ascertainment of the facts in dispute.
   Gamble. "To gamble" and "gambling" includes the playing at or with a game, device, or contrivance, for money, checks or other representative of value, in which the element of chance is the dominating factor in determining the result of the game, device or contrivance, or betting on the result of any such game, device or contrivance.
   "Representative of value" includes money, coin, currency, check, chip, allowance, token, credit, merchandise, property, services, or any other thing of value.
   B.   Gambling and Betting on Public Streets, Etc., Unlawful. It is unlawful for any person to gamble at cards, dice, or any other game, device or contrivance not mentioned in Sections 330 and 330(a) of the Penal Code of the state of California:
      1.   On any street, sidewalk, alley, highway, or public court; or
      2.   On the ground of any park as defined in Section 12.72.010 of this code; or
      3.   On the grounds of any children's playground area as defined in Section 12.72.010 of this code; or
      4.   Upon any property used, or intended to be used as an accessory use, for the parking of motor vehicles for the patrons of any commercial establishment; or
      5.   On any part of a vacant or undeveloped lot which is visible from any street.
   C.   Exceptions. Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit any activity authorized by the Business and Professions Code of the state of California.
   Nothing in this section shall be construed to make criminal any act or acts which are permitted or prohibited by any law of the state of California.
   Nothing in this section shall be construed to prohibit any act or acts which are permitted under this title. (Prior code §§ 18.02.200-18.02.202)