A. Air pollution is a major public health concern in California. The Sacramento Region is currently designated as nonattainment for the one-hour federal ozone standard, as well as the more stringent state ozone standard. Air pollution can cause or aggravate lung illnesses such as acute respiratory infections, asthma, chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and lung cancer. In addition to health impacts, air pollution imposes significant economic costs and negative impacts on our quality of life.
B. Exhaust from vehicles (both on- and off-road) is a substantial source of ozone precursors in the Sacramento Region. Vehicle exhaust also is a source of carbon monoxide, particulate matter, toxic air contaminants, and greenhouse gases. Although new engines have become cleaner due to improved emission control technologies, the slow turnover in vehicle inventory and the number of miles/hours vehicles idle each year is hindering progress in improving regional air quality.
C. Public agencies can play an important role in improving air quality by limiting the amount of time engines are allowed to idle within their jurisdictions and leading the effort to improve air quality by adopting ordinances that are cost effective in reducing ozone precursor emissions and toxic air contaminants.
D. A study of idling exhaust emissions conducted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA420-R-02-025, October 2002) indicates that a typical 1980s to 2001 model year truck operating on diesel fuel emits one hundred forty-four (144) grams per hour of nitrogen oxide and eight thousand two hundred and twenty-four (8224) grams per hour of carbon dioxide emissions and consumes about 0.82 gallons of diesel fuel while idling.
E. TIAX, a consultant for the Sacramento metropolitan air quality management district, estimated that the total idling exhaust emissions in the Sacramento Region is 4.01 tons per day of nitrogen oxide emissions and 0.247 tons per day of reactive organic gas emissions (Episodic Strategies document, April 2002). The maximum potential emissions reductions from full implementation of limitations on engine idling by all jurisdictions in the Sacramento nonattainment area was estimated to be 3.08 tons per day of nitrogen oxides emissions and 0.186 tons per day of reactive organic gas emissions (assuming seventy-five (75) percent compliance).
F. This chapter is adopted under authority of the city's police power in furtherance of the public health, safety, and welfare and is authorized under Health and Safety Code Section 40717 (h) that permits local agencies to exercise their police authority to adopt transportation control measures that exceed local air district requirements. The purpose of this chapter is to achieve emission reductions by discouraging the excessive idling of engines in the city of Sacramento. (Ord. 2004-051 § 1)