8.100.1260   Monitoring Fee for Vacant Nuisance Properties.
   A.   Any vacant building that also constitutes a public nuisance as defined in Chapter 8.04, 8.08, 8.96 or 8.100 of this code shall be subject to monthly monitoring fees and enforcement response fees, to recover the city's regulatory
costs to monitor and respond to the vacant building. The separate monthly monitoring fee and enforcement response fee shall be set by resolution of the city council. The monitoring fee shall be applicable even in the absence of any action, administrative or otherwise, by the city pursuant to any other provision of the city code. The monitoring fee shall be imposed upon the initial determination that the vacant building constitutes a public nuisance as defined in Chapter 8.04, 8.08, 8.96 or 8.100 of this code. The fee shall thereafter be imposed in each thirty (30) day period following the imposition of the initial monitoring fee. On buildings requiring city enforcement response and securement, an additional and separate enforcement response fee shall be imposed, for each response, upon the owner. Monitoring fees shall be imposed as long as the vacant building remains a public nuisance as defined in those chapters.
   B.   Any monitoring fee imposed pursuant to this section may be appealed and shall be collected in the same manner as is specified in Section 1.28.010(D) of this code. (Ord. 2009-014 § 2; Ord. 2007-060 § 2)