8.100.1250   Administrative penalty.
   A.   Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 1.28.010(C)(3) of this code, any owner of a building that is in violation of Section 8.100.1230 shall be subject to an administrative penalty, in an amount not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) per building for the first violation.
   B.   A second administrative penalty shall be imposed upon an owner pursuant to this article if the owner's building remains in violation of Section 8.100.1230 thirty (30) days following the imposition of the first administrative penalty. Additional penalties may be imposed in each thirty (30) day period following the imposition of an administrative penalty under this article. Additional penalties may be imposed so long as the violations continue. A second and any subsequent penalty shall be in an amount not to exceed five thousand dollars ($5,000.00).
   C.   If a previous administrative penalty has been imposed pursuant to this article upon an owner within two years of the date of the imposition of the present administrative penalty, and that previous administrative penalty related to a vacant building other than the building presently the subject of an administrative penalty, any penalty imposed shall be imposed pursuant to Section 1.28.010(D) of this code, but in no case shall it be less than two thousand dollars ($2,000.00), nor more than ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00). (Ord. 2007-060 § 2)