8.100.560   Inadequate sanitation.
   Inadequate sanitation shall include but not be limited to the following:
   A.   Lack of, or improper water closet, lavatory, and bath tub or shower in a dwelling unit;
   B.   Lack of, or improper water closets, lavatories, and bath tubs or showers per number of guests in a hotel;
   C.   Lack of, or improper kitchen sink;
   D.   Lack of hot and cold running water to plumbing fixtures in a hotel;
   E.   Lack of hot and cold running water to plumbing fixtures in a dwelling unit;
   F.   Lack of adequate heating facilities;
   G.   Lack of, or improper operation of required ventilating equipment;
   H.   Lack of minimum amounts of natural light and ventilation required by this chapter;
   I.   Room and space dimensions that are less than the room and space dimensions mandated by the California Building Code or the California Residential Code;
   J.   Lack of required electrical lighting;
   K.   Dampness of habitable rooms;
   L.   Infestation of insects, vermin, or rodents as determined by the health officer;
   M.   General dilapidation or improper maintenance;
   N.   Lack of connection to required sewage disposal system;
   O.   Lack of adequate garbage and rubbish storage and removal facilities as determined by the health officer.
   P.   Presence of lead hazards. "Lead hazards" means deteriorated lead-based paint, lead-contaminated dust, lead-contaminated soil, or disturbing lead-based paint without containment, if one or more of these hazards is present in one or more locations in amounts that are equal to or exceed the amounts of lead established for these terms in Section 17920.10 of the California Health and Safety Code or Chapter 8 (commencing with Section 35001) of Division 1 of Title 17 of the California Code of Regulations, or any successors thereto, and that are likely to endanger the health of the public or the occupants as a result of their proximity to the public or the occupants. (Ord. 2017-0042 § 4; Ord. 2004-008 § 17; prior code § 49.10.1002)