8.80.270   Enforcement.
   It is the responsibility of the chief of the environmental health division, Sacramento County department of environmental management to enforce, in behalf of the city, the provisions of this chapter. The chief shall be authorized to prosecute, in the name of the city, pursuant to the provisions of Sections 25132 and 36900 of the Government Code, civil actions for the recovery of fines for violations of this chapter made infractions by Section 8.80.250 of this chapter for violations of Sections 8.80.050 through 8.80.230 of this chapter.
   In the performance of the enforcement responsibilities assigned by this chapter, the chief of the environmental health division shall:
   A.   Establish a telephone number through which all complaints by citizens relating to violations of this chapter may be directed or referred;
   B.   Reduce such complaints to writing, and analyze the frequency and volume thereof in relation to alleged violations of this chapter by or at particular establishments or facilities;
   C.   Conduct an on-site inspection of any establishment or facility with respect to which the nature and volume of complaints suggests long-standing and pronounced violations of any of the provisions of this chapter;
   D.   Provide to the owner, operator or manager of any such establishment or facility a copy of the provisions of this chapter and such advisory assistance to rectify future violations as may be necessary to achieve compliance with the provisions of this chapter;
   E.   Follow up such investigation and advice with a written directive explaining in detail the steps required in order to achieve future compliance with the provisions of this chapter; and
   F.   If the violations do not cease following the expiration of a reasonable period of time, commence civil actions for the recovery of infraction fines pursuant to the provisions of Section 8.80.250 of this chapter or request commencement of a civil proceeding by the county counsel pursuant to the provisions of Section 8.80.260 of this chapter, as may be appropriate.
   The environmental health division shall affirmatively seek the support and cooperation of other local public agencies, such as fire protection districts, to provide information, assistance and advice in the enforcement of the provisions of this chapter, during the conduct by any of such agencies of on-site inspections of establishments or facilities.
   The provisions of Section 8.80.240 of this chapter shall not be remedied by either the chief of environmental health or any other county or city official. Any member of the general public, an employee or applicant for employment may pursuant to the provisions of Section 8.80.260 of this chapter commence in his or her name a civil action for injunctive relief, monetary damages or other appropriate relief against a person who violates Section 8.80.240 of this chapter pursuant to the provisions of Section 8.80.260 of this chapter. A member of the general public or employee shall also be authorized to individually commence a civil action pursuant to the provisions of Section 8.80.260 for injunctive relief, monetary damages or other appropriate relief for the purpose of remedying any other violation of the provisions of this chapter. (Prior code § 37.01.027)