8.04.120   Commencement of nuisance abatement proceedings-Issuance of notice and order.
   To commence nuisance abatement proceedings, the department head shall issue a notice of violation and order to abate (notice and order) directed to the record owner(s) of the premises. The notice and order shall contain:
   A.   The street address and/or such other description as is required to identify the premises;
   B.   A statement specifying the conditions which constitute the nuisance and declaring such conditions to be a public nuisance pursuant to Section 8.04.100 of this chapter;
   C.   A statement of the action required to be taken to eliminate the public nuisance;
   D.   A statement ordering the owner to abate the nuisance prior to a set date;
   E.   A statement advising that any person having any record title or legal interest in the premises may appeal the notice and order provided that the appeal is made in writing as provided in Section 8.04.170 of this chapter;
   F.   A statement that the appeal request must be in writing and filed with the department head within thirty (30) days of service of the notice and order;
   G.   A statement that failure to appeal the notice and order will constitute a waiver of all right to an administrative hearing and will be a final determination of the matter;
   H.   If the city intends to seek attorney's fees pursuant to Section 38773.5 of the Government Code, a statement that the city intends to seek and recover attorney's fees. (Prior code § 61.05.502)