5.144.120   Grounds for permit revocation or suspension.
   A.   A tow car vehicular permit issued pursuant to this chapter may be revoked or suspended for the following reasons:
      1.   Failure to comply with the requirements specified in Section 5.144.060 of 5.144.070 of this chapter; or
      2.   Violation of any state law relating to the towing of vehicles, whether or not the permittee has been charged with or convicted of such violations; or
      3.   The tow car or its equipment is in such condition that its operation violates the State Vehicle Code; or
      4.   Since the issuance of the permit, grounds for permit denial pursuant to Section 5.144.050 of this chapter have occurred; or
      5.   Transfer or sale of the permit to a vehicle other than that identified in the permit application; or
      6.   Any other failure to comply with the conditions for obtaining a permit or failure to comply with this chapter.
   B.   Upon written notice by an insurer of cancellation, expiration or change in insurance coverage resulting in noncompliance with Section 5.136.120 of this chapter, a permit issued pursuant to this chapter shall be automatically suspended effective upon the effective date of the change in coverage stated in the written notice by the insurer.
   The suspension shall continue until the city receives written notice from the insurer indicating compliance with the requirements of Section 5.144.090 of this chapter or until the permit expires, as provided in Section 5.144.050(B) of this chapter. (Prior code § 42.04.061)