5.136.550   Registered taxicab drivers-Recordkeeping.
   A.   Taxicab fleet associations shall maintain in the association office a current list of all taxicab drivers who are registered to that association. The association shall advise the city of any change in registration of a taxicab driver within seven calendar days of such change.
   B.   Taxicab fleet associations shall collect and maintain in the association office the following records relating to each taxicab driver who is registered to that association:
      1.   A copy of a valid taxicab driver permit issued pursuant to this chapter. The copies shall be maintained in the association office for at least one year after the date that the permit expired;
      2.   Triplogs for each day the taxicab driver operates a taxicab, as described in Section 5.136.220. The trip-logs shall be maintained in the association office for at least one year from the date of the triplog;
      3.   Current certificates of automobile liability insurance, as described in Section 5.136.450. The certificates shall be maintained in the association office for at least three years after the date that the insurance policy expires. (Ord. 2013-0002 § 5; Ord. 2010-028 § 2)