The following words and phrases, whenever used in this chapter, shall be construed as defined in this section.
"Business" means any sole proprietorship, joint venture, corporation, or other business entity formed for profit making purposes.
"Employee" means any person who is employed by any employer in consideration for direct or indirect monetary wages or profit, and any person who volunteers his or her services to a nonprofit entity.
"Employer" means any person, including a municipal corporation or nonprofit entity, who employs one or more employees.
"Minor" means any individual who is less than eighteen (18) years old.
"Person" means any individual, partnership, corporation, or any other legal entity.
"Self-service merchandising" means open display of tobacco products and tobacco promotional products to which members of the public, especially children, have access without the intervention of an employee of the business.
"Tobacco paraphernalia" means cigarette papers, or any other instrument or paraphernalia designed for the smoking or ingestion of tobacco.
"Tobacco product" means any tobacco cigarette, cigar, pipe tobacco, smokeless tobacco, snuff, or any other form or manner of tobacco for ingestion.
"Tobacco retailer" means any person who owns, operates, or manages a business, store, stand, booth, concession, or other place at which sales of tobacco products are made to purchasers for consumption or use, and includes any person who is responsible for supervising the day-to-day operation of the business.
"Vendor-assisted merchandising" means an arrangement by which only an employee of the tobacco retailer has access to the tobacco product and an employee must assist the customer by retrieving the product for the customer. The customer may not and does not take possession of the product until it has been purchased.
"Within line of sight of an employee" means that tobacco products themselves (and not merely the racks, shelves, kiosks, etc. on which the products are located) are under the direct and continuous surveillance of an employee and located no more than eight feet from a regular work station of an employee. (Ord. 97-070 § 1; prior code § 37.03.302)