It is unlawful for any person to display, offer for sale or sell in the producers' market any produce purchased directly or indirectly from any other person or forestalled in any manner or at any place. It is likewise unlawful for any producer, by himself or herself or his or her agent, to offer for sale in such market any product not produced upon land either owned or leased by himself or to sell or offer for sale any manufactured or prepared article unless the main ingredient thereof has been produced upon lands owned or leased by the producer offering for sale or selling such article.
It is also unlawful for any person by himself or herself or his or her agent to display, offer for sale or sell in such market any product displayed, offered for sale or sold by such person, by himself or herself or his or her agent, in or upon any established wholesale market; provided, however, that this prohibition shall be applied to and its application determined within each crop selling season of such product separately. (Prior code § 31.01.003)