5.100.010   Definitions.
   For the purpose of this chapter, the following definitions shall apply:
   A.   "Private patrol operator" or "operator of a private patrol service" means any person, who, for any consideration whatsoever, purports to furnish or does furnish any watchman or guard, either uniformed or otherwise, to patrol in the city, or to guard or watch persons or property, or to perform any service usually and customarily performed by the regular patrol units of the police department of the city.
   B.   "Security guard" or "security officer" means any employee of a private patrol operator who performs the functions described in subsection A of this section on or about the premises owned or controlled by the customer of the private patrol operator or by the guard's employer or in the company of persons being protected.
   C.   "Street patrolperson" shall mean any security guard or security officer employed by a private patrol operator who performs the functions described in subsection A of this section (a) by utilizing foot patrol, motor patrol, or other means of transportation in public areas, streets or public thoroughfares in order to serve multiple customers. (Ord. 2001-007 § 1; prior code § 30.02.009)