5.68.130   Property permits for one or two food vending vehicles.
   A.   If the applicant seeks a food vending vehicle property permit that authorizes the operation of one or two food vending vehicles on the subject property, the applicant shall comply with the following:
      1.   Not later than five days after filing a complete application required by Section 5.68.120, the applicant shall post in a conspicuous place on the property for which the application was submitted, a notice of intent to allow food vending vehicles. The notice shall be provided by the city, and contain:
         b.   The name of the applicant;
         c.   A description of the type of operation sought in the application, including the number of food vending vehicles, the hours of operation, and any other information requested by the director;
         d.   The date that the director is required to act on the application, and a request that any comments or questions concerning the application should be communicated to the director prior to that date; and
         e.   Notice that the director's decision to grant the application may be appealed pursuant to Article VI of this chapter.
      2.   No later than five days after filing a complete application required by Section 5.68.120, the applicant shall mail the notice of intent to allow food vending vehicles prescribed in subsection (A)(1) of this section to all owners of property as shown on the latest equalized assessment roll within a radius of five hundred (500) feet of the property that is the subject of the application.
   B.   Failure of any person to receive notice as required by subsection A of this section shall not affect the validity of any decision of the director.
   C.   Applications for a property permit shall be investigated by the director. The director shall take into consideration the existing uses of the surrounding properties and any public safety problems or nuisances that the issuance of the permit might create. The director shall also refer every application to the chief of police for a written report concerning any potential public safety problems, and to the planning director for a written report concerning the compatibility of the proposed use of the premises with existing zoning and neighborhood land uses. The director may also consider other sources of information. (Ord. 2015-0016 § 2)