5.64.100   Application for employee work permit.
   A.   Each employee who engages in firearm and ammunition sales must obtain either of the following: (1) a valid employee work permit from the chief of police; or (2) a valid certificate of eligibility issued by the California Department of Justice. The work permit requirement does not apply to employees at gun shows that are properly licensed under state and federal law.
   B.   The application for an employee work permit for an employee engaged in firearm and ammunition sales shall be submitted to the chief of police on a form provided by the chief of police. Prior to submitting such application, a nonrefundable fee as established by resolution of the city council shall be paid to the chief of police to defray, in part, the cost of investigation and report required by this section. The chief of police shall issue a receipt to the employee showing that such permit application fee has been paid. The issuance of such a receipt shall not authorize an employee to engage in firearm and ammunition sales until the necessary work permit has been lawfully granted.
   C.   The application to the chief of police shall be signed under penalty of perjury and set forth the following information:
      1.   The name, age and address of the employee;
      2.   The business name and address of the employer;
      3.   All convictions of the applicant for any misdemeanor or felony;
      4.   All information relating to licenses or permits relating to firearms or other weapons sought by the applicant from other jurisdictions, including, but not limited to, the date(s) of application(s) and whether each such application resulted in issuance of a license or permit;
      5.   All information relating to suspension(s) or revocation(s) of licenses or permits relating to firearms, including, but not limited to, the date and circumstances of the suspension(s) or revocation(s);
      6.   Other reasonable conditions deemed appropriate by the chief of police.
   D.   The chief of police shall take the fingerprints of the employee and shall confirm the information submitted.
   E.   The chief of police shall act upon and either approve or deny the application for an employee work permit at the earlier of the following: (1) within one hundred eighty (180) days of receipt of the application; or (2) within fifteen (15) days of receipt of fingerprint verification by the State Department of Justice.
   F.   The chief of police shall deny the issuance of an employee work permit when any of the following conditions specified in Sections 5.64.060(D) through (G) exist.
   G.   Duration and Renewal of Work Permit. Unless revoked on an earlier date, all employee work permits issued pursuant to this chapter shall expire one year after the date of issuance; provided, however, that such work permits may be renewed by the chief of police for additional one-year periods upon the approval of an application for renewal by the chief of police and payment of the renewal fee established by resolution of the city council. Such renewal application shall set forth the information listed herein, and must be received by the chief of police, in completed form, no later than forty-five (45) days prior to the expiration of the current employee work permit.
   H.   Nonassignability. The assignment of any employee work permit issued pursuant to this chapter is unlawful and any such assignment shall render the license null and void. In addition, the attempt to transfer or assign any employee work permit issued pursuant to this chapter shall be further grounds for revocation.
   I.   Grounds for Revocation of Work Permit. In addition to any other provisions of this section, any circumstances constituting grounds for denial of an employee work permit shall also constitute grounds for revocation of an employee work permit. (Ord. 2013-0018 § 6; prior code § 28.05.509)