5.32.040   Application for cardroom license.
   An applicant for a cardroom license shall submit an application to the city manager or the city manager's designee. The application shall include, among other things, the following:
   A.   The true name of the applicant, together with the true names of all persons directly or indirectly interested in conducting the business, including all members of any firm or partnership. A corporate applicant shall list officers, directors and principal owners, including all owners of ten percent or more of the corporate stock.
   B.   Whether the applicant or any individual listed in subsection A of this section has at any time been convicted of a felony, or an offense involving moral turpitude, narcotics, fraud, or gambling laws or ordinances; and whether the applicant would be disqualified from holding a state gambling license for any reason specified in California Business and Professions Code Section 19859.
   C.   Whether any permit or license granted to applicant or any individual listed in subsection A of this section to engage in any business or do any act within any jurisdiction has been revoked or denied and, if so, the circumstances surrounding the revocation or denial.
   D.   The location and a description of the premises upon which the applicant proposes to conduct a cardroom and a statement of the property interest of the applicant in the premises as owner, lessee or otherwise. If premises is leased or rented, applicant shall submit a copy of the lease or rental agreement.
   E.   The number of card tables to be operated on the premises. The number of tables shall not exceed that as provided by Section 5.32.180(B).
   F.   Such further information bearing on the identity and character of the applicant or any individual listed in subsection A of this section or the use, location, or condition of the premises as the city manager or designee may require.
   G.   A copy of a valid conditional use permit as required by the Planning and Development Code. If the conditional use permit is not available when the application is submitted, the applicant must submit the conditional use permit within twelve (12) months from the date of application submission. (Ord. 2016-0022 § 1; Ord. 2016-0016 § 2; Ord. 2006-068 § 1; Ord. 2006-067 § 1; Ord. 2004-018 § 1; prior code § 5.01.003-3)