5.32.030   Statement of purpose.
   A.   The regulatory provisions of this chapter are necessary to ensure that cardrooms are operated reasonably for the protection of public health, safety, and welfare and to conform to state-mandated requirements set by California's Gambling Control Act.
   B.   Pursuant to Section 5.32.060, the city manager, with the assistance of the chief of police, will conduct a thorough investigation into the background of applicants in order to assure that potential licensees will not foster criminal activity, will not be detrimental to the health, safety and welfare of the city, are of sound moral character, and that licensure is in the public interest.
   C.   Section 5.32.070 limits the number of cardroom licenses issued to one for each one hundred thousand (100,000) residents of the city, with a maximum of four. The purpose of this limitation is to limit the gambling within this community to a level which will be a source of entertainment and recreation for local citizens while preventing a casino-like atmosphere in this community. A casino-like atmosphere, where gambling becomes a major industry or attraction and the community a center for gamblers from other jurisdictions, is detrimental to the development of this community. Increased and unrestrained gambling creates greater law enforcement problems, thereby compromising the ability of law enforcement to control the criminal and peace-disturbing effects thereof and diverting police resources from other law enforcement activity. The limiting of the number of licenses and cardrooms to one for each one hundred thousand (100,000) residents, with a maximum of four, assists in the accomplishment of these goals as opposed to permitting a greater number of licensed cardrooms.
   D.   Accordingly, the chief of police has determined, and the city council finds, that a limitation of one card-room per one hundred thousand (100,000) residents of the city, with a maximum of four, will minimize many of the above-mentioned problems without undue burden on stable and reputable cardrooms. The purpose of this title is to protect the health, safety, and welfare of the citizens of the community, to assure that city law enforcement resources are efficiently allocated, and to provide cardrooms where citizens of this city can safely enjoy the entertainment provided by reputable cardrooms. (Ord. 2016-0016 § 1;
Ord. 2006-068 § 1; Ord. 2006-067 § 1; prior code § 5.01.003-2)