5.28.1950   Costs of arbitration.
   The compensation and expenses of the arbitrator appointed by the franchisee shall be borne and paid solely by the franchisee. The compensation and expenses of the arbitrator appointed by the cable television commission shall be borne and paid solely by the commission. The franchisee and commission shall each bear and solely pay their own costs of attorneys' fees, expert and other witness fees and other expenses incurred in preparing and prosecuting their respective cases. In proceedings where the record of a public hearing of the board of directors of the commission is to be considered by the arbitration panel, the costs of transcribing, typing and copying the record shall be borne and paid solely by the franchisee.
   The compensation and expenses of the chairperson of the arbitration panel, rental, if any, for the place of the hearing, per diem costs of the stenographic reporter, costs of transcribing and typing any transcripts of the arbitration hearing, and any other costs of the arbitration proceeding not identified in the first paragraph of this section shall be divided equally between, borne and paid by the franchisee and commission. The arbitration panel shall not be empowered to order a division of costs, fees or expenses different from that prescribed by this section. (Prior code § 20.10.836)