5.28.1590   Rate proposals.
   The purpose of this section through Section 5.28.1630 of this chapter, is to permit applicants for a franchise to propose the provision of minimal service during the term of a franchise at rates and charges designed to insure that all residents within the franchise area, including the economically underprivileged, will have the opportunity to benefit from the educational, recreational and other advantages made available by the cable television system.
   An applicant who chooses not to make such a proposal shall not be disqualified from bidding or consideration in selection of the franchisee. It is expressly declared that the factors upon which selection will be based are so numerous and subjective as to make it impossible to know in advance the relative importance of a determination by an applicant to either make or not to make such a proposal in relation to other factors upon which award of a franchise will be based.
   The county and cities recognize the right of a franchisee to propose the provisions of minimal services at specified rates pursuant to the provisions of this section through Section 5.28.1630 of this chapter, and nonetheless subsequently elect to be exempt from local rate regulation or to unilaterally adjust its rates in strict compliance with the provisions of Section 53066.1 of the Government Code, provided that if, for any reason, the right of the franchisee to elect exemption from rate regulation shall hereafter be abridged or repealed, the full regulatory authority of the commission shall thereupon be restored pro tanto. (Prior code § 20.07.616)