5.28.1360   Continuity of quality.
   Each franchisee shall continue throughout the term of the franchise to maintain the technical standards and quality of service set forth in the franchise documents for that franchise. (Prior code § 20.06.522)
5.28.1370   Maintenance and repair.
   During the term of each franchise, the franchisee shall maintain its cable television system in good condition and repair, render efficient service, make repairs promptly, and interrupt service only for good cause and for the shortest time possible. (Prior code § 20.06.524)
5.28.1380   Office-Service.
   Each franchisee shall maintain at least one business office and repair center within the Sacramento community. The business office shall be open at least during the hours of nine a.m., through five p.m., Mondays through Fridays, excepting legal holidays. Staffing shall be maintained to provide repair services at least during the hours nine a.m., through five p.m., seven days a week, legal holidays other than Saturdays and Sundays excepted. Capacity shall be maintained to receive and record service calls for maintenance and repairs seven days per week, twenty-four hours per day, including legal holidays.
   The business office and repair center shall be reachable by local toll-free telephone, and the telephone number or numbers shall be listed in all directories published by all telephone companies containing telephone numbers within the Sacramento community.
   Each franchisee shall promptly respond to, investigate and resolve complaints. Necessary maintenance or repairs shall be made expeditiously, permitting as little interruption of service as possible. No direct charge shall be made to subscribers for service calls or for repairs which do not result from damage caused by subscribers. (Prior code § 20.06.526)
5.28.1390   Continuity of service.
   Each franchisee shall take such affirmative action as is necessary in order to avoid interruptions of services and minimize unavoidable interruptions of services.
   A.   If during the term of the franchise, the franchisee determines that it is necessary to significantly interrupt receipt by some or all subscribers or users of services as a result of the need to undertake major repairs or extend, expand, modify or otherwise improve the cable television system, such work shall be planned, designed and scheduled in such a manner as to avoid continuous interruption of service to the maximum extent possible, keep prolonged interruption to a minimum, and restrict interruptions to periods of least viewing intensity. Plans for such interruptions of service shall be subject to approval of the cable television commission in advance of implementation.
   B.   The board of directors of the cable television commission shall be authorized to enact, and a franchisee shall comply with, rules which excuse subscribers from the payment of rates to a franchisee for services provided through a cable television system during periods transmission or receipt of signals for such services is interrupted as a result of defects in, malfunctions of, periods required for repair of or periods required for expansion, modernization or improvement of the cable television system, or any part or portion thereof. (Prior code § 20.06.528)
5.28.1400   Records.
   Each franchisee shall maintain for a period of five years and make available for inspection and copying by authorized representatives of the cable television commission, the following:
   A.   A permanent service log which shows the name and address of each person requesting maintenance or repair service, the nature of the service requested, the date and time the request was received, and the disposition (including the date on which repair was made or the request otherwise resolved, and method of resolution);
   B.   A permanent record of each request for subscription to basic service, including the name and address of the person making the request, and the date of the request;
   C.   A permanent record of each written complaint received by the franchisee pursuant to the provisions of Section 5.28.1450 of this chapter, together with the name and address of the complainant, the nature of the complaint, and the dates and descriptions of any and all investigatory, corrective or other actions taken as a result thereof. (Prior code § 20.06.530)
5.28.1410   Reporting.
   During the term of any franchise issued pursuant to the provisions of this chapter, each franchisee shall, not less frequently than annually, file a written report with the clerk of the board of directors of the cable television commission. The report shall be filed not later than ninety (90) calendar days after the end of the franchisee's fiscal year. The report shall include the following:
   A.   A summary of the activities of the franchisee during its previous fiscal year in the development and operation of the cable television system, including, but not limited to: a description of all services provided through the cable television system as of the conclusion of the fiscal year; a description of all such services which were added or terminated during the fiscal year; a statement of the number of subscribers by category of services rendered as of the end of the fiscal year; and a summary of the facilities, channels and resources made available during the fiscal year for community use, including a list of the persons and organizations which have produced, sponsored and broadcast programming upon community use channels, a description of the types of programming provided through such channels, and any recommendations by the franchisee for improvement in community use;
   B.   A specific and detailed description of all components, elements and extensions of the cable television system which have been installed during the franchisee's previous fiscal year, showing the locations of all such installations, and including copies of the plans, specifications and drawings showing the components, elements and extensions as installed;
   C.   A statement showing the franchisee's investments in property within the Sacramento community during the franchisee's previous fiscal year, including an identification of all real property or interests therein within the Sacramento community acquired or transferred by the franchisee and the amounts which the franchisee paid for the acquisition of said property or interests, a description of all buildings or other improvements which the franchisee constructed upon or added to real property within the Sacramento community together with the cost of such construction or additions, and an itemization by component category of all costs of components, elements and extensions of the cable television system;
   D.   An audited statement signed by a public or certified public accountant of all income received by the franchisee during its previous fiscal year, including an itemization of all services provided through the cable television system, the unit or regular rates or charges for such services, and the amount of income received attributable to each service, and all other income from whatever sources, including an identification of each source and the amount of income attributable thereto; and
   E.   Audited financial statements for the franchisee's previous fiscal year signed by a public or certified public accountant, including a balance sheet and profit and loss statement.
   A franchisee shall prepare and furnish to the board of directors of the cable television commission, at the times and in the form prescribed by the board, such other reports with respect to its operations, affairs, transactions, or property, as the board may deem necessary or appropriate to the performance of its functions. (Prior code § 20.06.532)