5.28.980   Duty to report.
   Commencing at the third full calendar quarter following the filing of the certificate of acceptance of a franchise pursuant to the provisions of Section 5.28.440 of this chapter, and continuing every calendar quarter thereafter until the date basic service and other services identified pursuant to the provisions of Section 5.28.1280 of this chapter are made available to one hundred (100) percent of the dwelling units within each service area, the chief executive officer of the franchisee shall, file with the clerk of the board of directors of the cable television commission a written declaration identifying the number and percentage of dwelling units in each service area to which such services have been made available as of the last day of the quarter for which the declaration is filed, together with such other information concerning progress by the franchisee in complying with both the sixty-three (63) month construction schedule prescribed by Section 5.28.950 of this chapter, and any more stringent construction schedule proposed by the franchisee and incorporated in the franchise documents. Said declaration shall certify franchisee's compliance or noncompliance with said construction schedules. Upon request the franchisee shall make available to the commission such maps, documents and other data as were used by the franchisee to compile the aforesaid declaration.
   Said quarterly declarations shall be filed not later than the first day of the second calendar month following the end of the quarter for which the report is filed. (Prior code § 20.05.414)