5.28.270   Board of directors.
   The powers and authority of the cable television commission shall be vested in a board of directors which consists of a minimum of the following members.
   A.   Five members of the board of directors shall be members of the governing body of the county.
   B.   One member of the board of directors shall be a member of the governing body of one of the cities within the county that is a member of the commission and whose population is less than 80,000 people. The member shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the governing bodies of the appointing cities. All member cities whose populations are even less than 80,000 shall be represented by this member of the board of directors.
   C.   So long as a city with a population less than 80,000 is a member of the commission, three members of the board of directors shall be members of, appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the governing body of the city of Sacramento.
   In the event that no city with a population less than 80,000 people is a member of the commission, four members of the board of directors shall be members of, appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the governing body of the city of Sacramento.
   D.   One member of the board of directors for each city, other than the city of Sacramento, that is a member of the commission and whose population is equal to or greater than 80,000 people. Each member of the board of directors who represents such a member city shall be a member of the governing board of that city and shall be appointed by, and serve at the pleasure of, the governing board of that city.
   E.   Each member of the board of directors shall be authorized to appoint a personal representative to attend meetings of the board in the absence of the member, and, during such meetings, vote and exercise all other powers of the member. Such an appointment shall be effective when the member files with the clerk of the board of directors a written notice executed by the member which identifies by name and residential address the personal representative who has been appointed. Personal representatives shall serve at the pleasure of the members who appoint them, and such appointments may be revoked by the filing of written notice of revocation with the clerk of the board of directors signed by the member and reciting revocation of the appointment of a designated representative. In the event of removal from the board of directors of a member who serves at the pleasure of a governing body, such removal shall automatically effect removal of any personal representative which that member has appointed.
   F.   For purposes of this section, a city's population shall be as estimated by the California Department of Finance ("Department of Finance") by January 1st of each year for the preceding year. Modifications to board membership based on population changes shall be made on July 1st, or as soon thereafter as feasible, following the January 1st estimates provided by the Department of Finance. (Ord. 2022-0028 § 1; Ord. 97-075 § 5; prior code § 20.02.104)