   A.   Every householder, occupant and owner of any dwelling, boarding house, apartment building, or any other structure utilized for dwelling purposes, and any restaurant, industrial or commercial establishment that accumulates garbage shall provide one or more flytight metal garbage containers of thirty (30) or thirty two (32) gallons' capacity to contain all garbage which accumulates between collections. Metal garbage containers of less capacity now in use may continue to be used until they become unserviceable. Also, plastic bags of sufficient strength to prevent tearing of the bag or loss of the garbage or refuse therefrom may be used. No such container shall weigh in excess of seventy five (75) pounds when full.
   B.   All apartment buildings containing four (4) or more units, and each commercial establishment, industrial establishment, or restaurant where garbage accumulates and the volume exceeds four (4) 30-gallon or 32-gallon containers per week shall use vat service with pick up of no less than once per week. The actual size of the vat and frequency of service is to be based on need as determined by the city code enforcement officer. Vats shall be of no less than one cubic yard capacity and designed with the proper attachments for lifting into refuse trucks. (Ord. 18, 5-16-1972)