(A)   The regulations of this district are intended to provide for the conversion of older homes into office or apartment structures where such are appropriate and to provide a buffer between purely business and purely residential areas.
   (B)   Within an O-I Office and Institutional District the following uses shall be permitted:
      (1)   Principal uses.
         (a)   Any use permitted in the R-15 Residential District, except multi-family, individual mobile homes and mobile home parks;
         (b)   Barbershops, salons and spas;
         (c)   Child care facility;
         (d)   Child care home;
         (e)   Community centers;
         (f)   Dairy bars and ice cream;
         (g)   Public community swimming pools;
         (h)   Emergency response facilities;
         (i)   Family care homes;
         (j)   Government facilities;
         (k)   Institutional facilities, such as libraries and other non-profits;
         (l)   Medical offices;
         (m)   Museums and art galleries;
         (n)   Offices, business, professional and public;
         (o)   Photography services;
         (p)   Photography, dance, art and music studios;
         (q)   Printing and copy services; and
         (r)   Customary accessory uses and structures when located on the same lot as the principal structure, excluding, however, open storage.
      (2)   Special uses. The following uses shall be permitted subject to a Board of Adjustment review and approval:
         (a)   Accessory buildings in the nature of guest cottages for private residential purposes;
         (b)   Animal hospitals or veterinary clinics, but excluding open kennels on the premises;
         (c)   Athletic fields and similar outdoor facilities;
         (d)   Coffee/bakery shop;
         (e)   Banks and other financial establishments;
         (f)   Commercial indoor recreation establishments;
         (g)   Commercial outdoor recreation establishments;
         (h)   Hospitals;
         (i)   Mixed use buildings;
         (j)   Retail sales (less than 3,000 square feet gross floor area);
         (k)   Skilled nursing and other assisted living facilities;
         (l)   The conversion of any residential structure so as to provide additional dwelling units shall be permitted only if each resulting dwelling unit has a minimum of 650 square feet of usable floor area and adequate private sanitary facilities;
         (m)   Mixed uses, i.e., buildings erected for both dwelling and business purposes, provided such buildings shall be furnished with side yards on each side of the building measuring not less than eight feet in width, provided, however, that this regulation shall not apply to the street side of a corner lot; and
         (n)   A temporary structure or dwelling for emergencies or for construction purposes, provided, further, permits for such uses shall be issued for periods not to exceed six months, but may be renewed for one additional six-month period.
      (3)   Accessory uses. Customary accessory buildings or uses, provided such shall be permitted only in a rear yard and shall be situated not less than ten feet from any property line; and further provided that in the case of corner lots such buildings or structures shall be set back at least 40 feet from any side line right-of-way line.
      (4)   Off-street parking requirements. See §§ 152.210 through 152.218.
      (5)   Dimensional requirements.
         (a)   Minimum required lot width: 100 feet;
         (b)   Minimum required front building setback line: 30 feet;
         (c)   Minimum required side yard: 15 feet. Corner lots must have an additional ten feet along the side street line. Where a lot abuts a residential district, an eight-foot high planted buffer strip is required except in the case of where a lot abuts a public street;
         (d)   Minimum required rear yard: 25 feet. Where a lot abuts a residential district, an eight-foot high planted buffer strip is required except in the case of where a lot abuts a public street; and
         (e)   All buildings (except church spires, flagpoles, antennas, chimneys or similar accessories to structures), more than 35 feet in height from the foundation of the building measured at the center of the structure, shall be required to increase the original side yard requirement by one foot for every additional foot of height.
      (6)   Minimum lot sizes and maximum lot coverage. Within the O-I Office and Institutional District the minimum lot size shall be 10,000 square feet, and principal and accessory buildings can cover 40 % of the lot area; however, if the development activity requires a Sedimentation/Erosion Control Plan, the maximum permissible impervious surface coverage, as defined in this chapter, shall not exceed 36% of the total lot area, or 24% of the total lot area if the lot abuts a curb and gutter street system, or if the lot is located in the WS-4 Critical Area.
(Ord. passed 4-5-2010; Ord. passed 5-3-2021; Ord. passed 10-4-2021)