Minimum Standards
153.01 Fitness for dwelling, dwelling units
153.02 Structural condition
153.03 Basic equipment and facilities
153.04 Ventilation
153.05 Space, use and location
153.06 Safe and sanitary maintenance
153.07 Control of insects, rodents and infestations
153.08 Rooming houses
Enforcement Procedures
153.20 Powers and duties of Inspector
153.21 Inspections; duty of owners and occupants
153.22 Procedure for enforcement
153.23 Methods of service of complaints and orders
153.24 In rem action by Inspector; placarding
153.25 Costs a lien on premises
153.26 Alternative remedies
153.27 Zoning Board of Adjustment to hear appeals
153.28 Conflict with other provisions
153.29 Violations; penalty