(A)   All residents of the city shall be provided a city issued trash toter to hold all garbage which is accumulated in or upon the premises of the resident. City issued trash toters shall remain with the dwelling and if a resident vacates the dwelling, the trash toter shall stay with that dwelling. Trash toters shall contain bagged trash only. No loose garbage or trash will be allowed to accumulate in a resident's trash toter. Trash toters must have the lid(s) closed at all times and the contents must be inaccessible to animals and insects. Trash toters shall be placed upon resident's premises near an alley or street, if no alley is accessible which location is subject to the approval of the Street Commissioner. Trash toters must be easily accessible to the Sanitation Department. If not maintained in accordance with this division, then a resident will be in noncompliance with § 51.22. The city Code Compliance Officer shall have the final authority to determine whether or not a resident's container is in compliance with this code.
   (B)   No garbage will be collected by the city Street Department unless it is in a city provided trash toter.
   (C)   Yard waste must be contained in an acceptable container (not provided by city) labeled yard waste.
(1992 Code, § 8.12.020) (Am. Ord. 2012-5, passed 2-21-2012; Am. Ord. 2012-7, passed 3-6-2012; Am. Ord. 2014-16, passed 8-19-2014; Am. Ord. 2017-4, passed 2-21-2017; Am. Ord. 2020-13, passed 5-5-2020) Penalty, see § 51.99