In all cases where, in the opinion of the village president, or if the village president is unavailable, the acting village president, the public peace or the safety of any person is likely to be endangered by the keeping open of places where intoxicating liquor is sold at retail or dispensed, it shall be lawful for the village president or acting village president, without a hearing, to close such place or places. Such proclamation shall state the reasons for such closing, commanding and enjoining any or all persons so licensed by the village, and their servants and agents, to neither sell, give away nor suffer to be drunk any alcoholic liquors in or about their premises during the time mentioned in said proclamation or order. In any event, no such emergency order shall be valid beyond seven (7) days without a hearing granted to any affected licensee. The chief of police may, at his discretion, order a licensed premises to be closed without hearing for a period of twenty four (24) hours if the premises constitutes a crime scene, and such closing could prevent the loss or destruction of evidence and facilitate a police investigation, or if the premises was the scene of a violent disturbance involving injury or threat to citizens or the use of firearms. Such closing, and the reasons therefor, will be documented by the chief of police and a report submitted to the village president. (Ord. 774, 12-4-2000)