4-1-19: MINORS:
   A.   Employment: It shall be unlawful for any minor to draw, pour or mix any alcoholic liquor in any licensed retail premises, and it shall be unlawful for any minor to sell, serve or deliver alcoholic liquor in a licensed retail premises, except under the following conditions:
      1.   The minor has attained the age of eighteen (18) years.
      2.   The minor is a bona fide employee of the licensed retail premises.
      3.   The licensee of the licensed retail premises or the manager or another employee of the licensed premises who is over twenty one (21) years of age is present on the licensed retail premises with the minor.
      4.   The license of the licensed retail premises is a class D-1, class D-2 or class H, as said classifications are defined in section 4-1-10 of this chapter.
   B.   Presence On Premises:
      1.   No minor shall patronize, frequent or loiter in any establishment deriving its principal business from the sale of alcoholic liquor for consumption on the premises.
      2.   No licensee under this chapter, or his agent or employee, shall suffer or permit any minor to remain in any room or compartment adjoining or adjacent to or situated in the room or place where such licensed premises is located; provided, however, that this prohibition shall not apply to any minor who is accompanied by his parent or guardian, or to any licensed premises which derives its principal business from the sale of service or of commodities other than alcoholic liquor.
      3.   The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to a minor who is a lawful employee of a licensed retail premises under the provisions of subsection A of this section during the time such a minor is actually engaged in such employment and to the extent necessary in connection therewith.
   C.   Misrepresenting Age: It is unlawful for any minor to misrepresent his or her age for the purpose of purchasing or receiving alcoholic liquor in any place in the village where liquor is sold, or to make an attempt in any manner to purchase alcoholic liquor in the village.
   D.   Possession: No minor shall at any time have any alcoholic liquor in his possession. The provisions of this subsection shall not apply to a minor who is a lawful employee of a licensed retail premises under the provisions of subsection A of this section during the time such minor is actually engaged in such employment and to the extent necessary in connection therewith.
   E.   Notice Of "Sting Operations": The minimum notice for "sting operations", as defined by 235 Illinois Compiled Statutes 5/6-16.1, shall be twenty four (24) hours. (Ord. 774, 12-4-2000)