(A) It is the policy of the Town Council to provide for the orderly growth and expansion of the town’s water system.
(B) All improvements to the town’s water system shall be constructed in accordance with specifications adopted by the Town Council.
(C) The construction of minor improvements shall be at the sole cost of the applicant for water service. The Town Council, at its sole discretion, may require an increase in the capacity of all, or part, of the improvements when such increased capacity is consistent with the adopted wastewater and water master plans. The town shall only pay the incremental cost associated with increased capacity requirements specified by the Town Council. Nothing contained herein shall be construed to require the Town Council to increase the capacity of the proposed minor improvements.
(D) The construction of major improvements shall be at the sole discretion of the Town Council subject to planning considerations and finance availability. Major improvements made to the water system may be paid with revenue generated by all customers of the utility upon approval of the Town Council.
(E) The Town Council may approve the extension of water services outside the town’s corporation limits provided that all of the following conditions are satisfied:
(1) The Town Council has passed a resolution authorizing the extension of services outside the corporation limits;
(2) The extension of services do not conflict with any established service areas for the services requested;
(3) Both water and wastewater capacity fees are paid regardless of whether only one or the other service is being extended;
(4) The water service extension does not cause the water system to exceed its design or rated capacity;
(5) The water improvements constructed to the extension area are designed and built in compliance with the town’s specifications and the plans are reviewed and approved by the town prior to construction; and
(6) The proposed service area extension will be governed by the rules, regulations, and ordinances that govern all town customers.
(F) Nothing contained herein shall be construed to require the Town Council to approve extending water and/or wastewater service outside of the town’s corporate limits.
(2000 Code, § 11-15) (Ord. 2001-9, passed 12-27-2001) Penalty, see § 51.99