Ord. No. Date Description
23 11-26-40 Regulates price charged by Toledo Edison Company for electricity furnished for domestic use for five years.
31 12-26-40 Toledo Edison Company - to erect, maintain and operate poles and fixtures for conduct of electricity.
88 4-28-42 Grants franchise to Northwestern Ohio Natural Gas Company and regulates price of gas furnished for four years.
115 12-28-43 Maumee Valley Transportation Company - to operate bus system over Colony Road from Dixie Highway north to Eagle Point Road.
175 10-23-45 Maumee Valley Transportation Company - to operate bus system over portions of Dixie Highway, Eagle Point Road and Colony Road.
193 6-25-46 Regulates price of natural gas furnished by Ohio Fuel Gas Company for ten years.
204 9-24-46 Toledo Edison Company - to use and occupy streets for transmitting electricity for twenty-five years.
214 11-18-46 Regulates price of electricity for street lighting furnished by Toledo Edison Company for ten years.
265 1-27-48 Amends Ord. 88.
468 9-26-56 Regulates rates of electricity furnished by Toledo Edison Company for lighting streets for ten years.
472 11-28-56 Amends Ord. 468.
478 4-9-57 Regulates price of natural gas furnished by Ohio Fuel Gas Company for four years.
517 7-13-60 Supplements Ord. 468 and 472.
529 5-8-61 Regulates price of electric service furnished by Toledo Edison Company for ten years.
559 6-10-63 Regulates rates which Toledo Edison Company shall furnish fluorescent lighting for certain streets for ten years from date of construction completion.
560 5-27-63 Regulates rates which Toledo Edison Company shall furnish fluorescent lighting for certain streets for ten years from date of construction completion.
568 2-24-64 Regulates rates which Toledo Edison Company shall furnish fluorescent lighting to Rossford Marina; repeals Ord. 560.
575 7-27-64 Regulates rates which Toledo Edison Company shall furnish fluorescent and mercury vapor lighting to Rossford Marina for ten years; repeals Ord. 568.
583 - Regulates rates charged by Toledo Edison Company for furnishing 6,000 lumen incandescent lighting for certain streets for ten years.
599 3-28-65 CATV System operation granted to Woodruff, Inc.
601 5-9-66 Regulates rates charged by Columbia Gas of Ohio for four years.
606 8-22-66 Regulates rates charged by Toledo Edison Company for furnishing lighting for streets and other public places for ten years; repeals Ord. 559 and 583.
Ord. No. Date Description
725 9-28-70 Regulates rates for Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc.
759 7-12-71 Regulates rates for Toledo Edison Company to furnish mercury vapor lights until October 1, 1976.
764 8-30-71 Toledo Edison Company to construct and operate an electric, telephone and telegraph system.
774 1-10-72 Regulates rates for Toledo Edison Company until April 1, 1978.
909 10-8-73 Buckeye Cablevision, Inc. to construct and operate a television communications system.
968 7-8-74 Regulates rates for Toledo Edison Company to furnish lighting at Rossford City Marina.
1059 8-9-76 Regulates price for Toledo Edison Co. for electric service; repeals Ord. 976.
1080 2-28-77 Toledo Edison Company - to furnish street lighting for 5 years; repeals Ord. 606.
1119 5-9-77 Amends Ord. 909 increasing monthly subscriber rates.
1295 5-14-79 Amends Ord. 1080, prescribing rates to be charged by Toledo Edison Company.
1431 2-23-81 Amends Ord. 909 extending Buckeye Cablevision, Inc. franchise through 12-31-1999, increasing rates and making certain other changes.
1432 2-23-81 Regulates rates of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. for 4 years.
1636 5-3-84 Amends Ord. 1431 by increasing Buckeye Cablevision Inc's. monthly transmission charge from $9.50 to $10.50.
1685 2-11-85 Regulates gas rates of Columbia Gas of Ohio, Inc. until 12-25-87.
1726 9-23-85 Regulates street lighting rates of Toledo Edison Co. until 10-1-88.
1997 4-23-90 Regulates rates for electric service from Toledo Edison Co.
2056 11-26-90 Amends Ord. 1431.
2066 12-28-90 Regulates electric rates of Toledo Edison Co.
2091 5-13-91 Regulates street lighting rates of Toledo Edison Co. for 3 years from May 1, 1991.
93-001 2-22-93 Amends Ord. 2091 to provide for year-round lighting service to Rossford City Marina.
94-030 8-8-94 Regulates street lighting rates of Toledo Edison Co. for 3 years from May 1, 1994.
95-045 11-27-95 Extends for an indefinite period of time the electric service rates from Toledo Edison Co.
97-065 11-10-97 Prescribes rates for which Toledo Edison shall furnish lighting for the City for 5 yrs. beginning 5-1-97.
99-042 9-27-99 Approves cable franchise agreement with Buckeye Cablevision, Inc. for cable system in City for 20 yrs.
06-032 9-25-06 Amends 99-042 providing for a waiver regarding the payment of the franchise fee for VOIP services.