Article VIII
   Except as provided by this Charter or by ordinance of Council, the Municipal Administrator shall have the duties of the Director of Public Service and the Director of Public Safety as provided by the Ohio Revised Code.
   The Solicitor shall be appointed by the Mayor, subject to confirmation by a majority of the members of Council, and shall be the head of the Department of Law when created.
   The Solicitor shall serve the Mayor, the Council, the administrative departments and the officers, boards and commissions of the Municipality as legal counsel in connection with Municipal affairs and, subject to the direction of the Mayor, shall represent the Municipality in all proceedings in Court or before any administrative board. He shall perform all other duties now or hereafter imposed upon municipal solicitors under the laws of the State of Ohio unless otherwise provided by ordinance of the Council and he shall perform such other duties consistent with his office as the Mayor or the Council may request. No person shall act as Solicitor unless duly admitted to practice law in the State of Ohio.
   A.    The Finance Director shall be the Fiscal Officer of the Municipality and shall be the head of the Department of Finance. He/she shall be the financial advisor of the Municipality and shall at all times keep the Mayor and the Council informed of the financial condition and needs of the Municipality. The Finance Director shall serve under the supervision of the City Administrator and, consistent with the Office, shall perform such other duties as the Mayor, Council, or City Administrator may direct.
   B.   The Finance Director shall comply with the applicable laws of the State of Ohio relating to certification for and expenditures of public moneys. To that end, he/she shall prepare and sign all warrants for the disbursements of moneys of the Municipality and shall examine all payrolls, bills and other claims against the Municipality. The Finance Director shall issue no warrant and pay out no moneys unless the claim is in proper form, correctly computed, is duly approved, due and payable, and a lawful appropriation has been made thereof. The Finance Director shall issue no warrant for payment unless the same is in the treasury or in the process of collection to the credit of an appropriate fund, free from any prior encumbrances.
   C.   The Finance Director shall keep and preserve a detailed record of all receipts from taxes and other sources, as well as a detailed record of all disbursements of municipal moneys and a record of the expenditures from various appropriated funds.
   D.   In general, and without limitation to particularity, the Finance Director shall discharge the duties and functions of the Treasurer, as defined in the Ohio Revised Code. All duties heretofore lodged with the Office of the Treasurer are hereby transferred to and imposed upon the Office of Finance Director.
(Enacted 11-8-11.)