(A)   All lots shall conform with Chapter 154.
   (B)   Whenever there is a discrepancy between the minimum standards or dimensions noted herein and those contained in Chapter 154, building codes, or other official regulations, the highest standards shall apply.
      (1)   General standards.
         (a)   Lot size, shape, and location shall be made with due regard to topographic conditions, contemplated use, and the surrounding area.
         (b)   Every lot shall front or abut on a public street.
         (c)   Corner lots of less than 100 feet for residential use shall have an extra width of 25 feet to permit adequate building setback from side streets.
         (d)   Double frontage or reverse frontage lots shall be avoided except where necessary to separate residential development from through traffic or nonresidential use.
         (e)   Side lot lines shall be substantially at right angles or radial to street lines.
         (f)   Flag-shaped lots shall not be permitted.
      (2)   Area, width, and depth requirements.
         (a)   Area.
            1.   Lots served by public utilities. All residential lots shall have an area of not less than 7,000 square feet.
            2.   Lots not served by public utilities. Necessary areas shall be determined by the County Health Department; however, the minimum lot area is as follows.
               a.    Public water, but not public sewer is provided. In this case, the lot shall be not less than 10,000 square feet in area.
               b.    Neither public water nor public sewer is provided. In this case, the lot shall be not less than 20,000 square feet in area.
         (b)   Widths.
            1.   Lots served by public utilities. All residential lots shall have a minimum width at the street line of not less than 70 feet.
            2.   Lots not served by public utilities. Lots shall meet the following minimums unless otherwise determined by the Planning Board based on County Health Department reports.
               a.    Public water, but not public sewer is provided. In this case, the minimum lot frontage shall be not less than 100 feet.
               b.    Neither public water nor public sewer is provided. In this case, the minimum lot frontage shall not be less than 120 feet.
         (c)   Depth. All residential lots shall have a minimum mean depth of not less than 100 feet.
(Prior Code, § 9-3010) (Ord. passed 6-11-1974; Ord. passed 6-29-2021) Penalty, see § 153.99