(A)   Appointment. The Mayor, with the advice and consent of the Council, shall appoint a City Attorney whose term of office shall be as provided for herein.
(1992 Code, § 2-2-201)
   (B)   Qualifications. The City Attorney shall be a person who has been licensed to practice as an attorney in the State of Montana.
(1992 Code, § 2-2-202)
   (C)   Duties. It shall be the duty of the City Attorney to attend before the Court of the city and the District Court, and prosecute on behalf of the city, and he or she shall generally do and perform such other acts as pertain to the office of the City Attorney. He or she shall, when required, draw for the use of the Council contracts and ordinances for the government of the city and, when required, give to the Mayor or Council written opinions on questions pertaining to the duties and the rights, liabilities and powers of the city. For such services, he or she shall receive such salary and fees as may be fixed by the Mayor. Nothing herein shall be taken or construed as preventing the Council from employing other and additional counsel in special cases, and providing for the payment of such services. The City Attorney may be suspended or removed from office by the Council for the neglect, violation or disregard of the duties required by this section or the ordinances of the city.
(1992 Code, § 2-2-203)