Stream and bank restoration projects intended to reestablish the terrestrial and aquatic attributes of a natural stream and not for protection of a structure or development; provided:
(A) The project design is reviewed and approved by an engineer;
(B) An encroachment analysis is performed by an engineer;
(C) The project will not increase erosion upstream, downstream or adjacent to the site;
(D) Materials may include but are not limited to rip rap, root wads, brush mattresses, willow watting, woody debris or combinations of analogous materials;
(E) Erosions and raveling of the materials are similar in amount and rate to existing natural stream banks during the base flood; and
(F) The project meets the terrestrial and aquatic resource capabilities of the area.
(Ord. 2013-01, passed 1-30-2013)
Statutory reference:
Alteration of floodplains, see ARM 36.15.505(1)(c)(ii)and (iii)
Permits, see ARM 36.15.606