Domestic water supply wells may be permitted; provided that:
   (A)   They are driven or drilled wells located on ground higher than surrounding ground to assure positive drainage from the well;
   (B)   They require no other structures (e.g., a well house);
   (C)   Well casings are water tight to a distance of at least 25 feet below the ground surface and the well casing height shall be a minimum of 18 inches above the base flood elevation;
   (D)   Water supply and electrical lines have a watertight seal where the lines enter the casing;
   (E)   All pumps and electrical lines and equipment are either of the submersible type or are adequately flood-proofed; and
   (F)   Check valves are installed on main water lines at wells and at all building entry locations.
(Ord. 2013-01, passed 1-30-2013)
Federal law reference:
   Utility guidelines, see 44 C.F.R. § 60.39
Statutory reference:
   Domestic water wells; permit required, see ARM 36.15.602(6)