Railroad, highway and street stream crossings may be permitted; provided that:
(A) Crossings are designed to offer minimal obstructions to the flood flow;
(B) Where failure or interruption of public transportation facilities would result in danger to public health or safety and where practicable and in consideration of FHWA Federal-Aid Policy Guide, 23 C.F.R. part 650A:
(1) Bridge lower chords shall have freeboard to at least two feet above the base flood elevation to help pass ice flows, the base flood discharge and any debris associated with the discharge; and
(2) Culverts are designed to pass the base flood discharge and maintain at least two feet freeboard on the crossing surface.
(a) If possible, normal overflow channels are preserved to allow passage of sediments to prevent aggradations;
(b) Mid stream supports for bridges, if necessary, have footings buried below the maximum scour depth; and
(c) An encroachment analysis is prepared by an engineer.
(Ord. 2013-01, passed 1-30-2013)
Statutory reference:
Uses requiring permits, see ARM 36.15.602