(A) The mapped boundaries illustrated in the referenced studies in this section are a guide for determining whether property is within the regulated flood hazard area.
(B) A determination of the outer limits and boundaries of the regulated flood hazard area or the flood fringe and floodway within the regulated flood hazard area includes an evaluation of the maps as well as the particular study data of the referenced study in this section.
(C) Boundary points of the regulated flood hazard area may be illustrated for guidance on reference maps, but the boundary is the actual intersection of the applicable base flood elevation with the natural adjacent terrain of the watercourse or channel.
(D) The floodway boundary is as illustrated on the referenced maps and studies.
(E) Any owner or lessee of property who believes his property has been inadvertently included in the regulated flood hazard area may submit scientific and/or technical information to the Floodplain Administrator. Changes to the National Flood Insurance Rate Maps for the National Flood Insurance Program through a FEMA letter of map change process are the responsibility of the owner or lessee.
(F) The Floodplain Administrator may require elevation information provided by an engineer or land surveyor or other information as needed for any development that may be considered to be subject to these regulations. The Floodplain Administrator’s interpretation of the boundaries and decision may be appealed as set forth in §§ 11-1-150 through 11-1-154 of this chapter.
(Ord. 2013-01, passed 1-30-2013)