(A) Any land divisions and subdivision approval including new or expansion of existing manufactured home parks within the regulated flood hazard area must be designed to meet the following criteria:
(1) The base flood elevations and boundary of the regulated flood hazard area are determined and considered during lot layout and building location design;
(2) Locations for future structures and development are reasonably safe from flooding;
(3) Adequate surface water drainage is provided to reduce exposure to flood hazards;
(4) Public utilities and facilities such as sewer, gas, electrical and water systems located and constructed to minimize or eliminate flood damage; and
(5) For development within the regulated flood hazard area, permits according to these regulations must be obtained before development occurs.
(B) The NFIP program standard for community floodplain management ordinances specifies that the local government is to consider flood hazards when reviewing and approving subdivisions within the special flood hazard area. Floodplain Administrators should check their subdivision ordinances to ensure flood hazards outside of regulated flood hazard areas are addressed in development proposals. For example, the montana model subdivision regulations suggests that any portion of a proposed subdivision is within 2,000 horizontal feet and 20 vertical feet of a stream draining an area of 25 square miles or more, where no official floodplain studies of the stream have been made, the subdivider may be required to conduct a flood hazard evaluation study. The Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation may, if requested, review the flood hazard analysis on the merit of its technical adequacy and make a recommendation back to the Floodplain Administrator.
(Ord. 2013-01, passed 1-30-2013)
Federal law reference:
Review of subdivision proposals, see 44 C.F.R. § 60.3, 60.3(a)(4)(ii), 60.3(a)(4)(iii) and 60.3(b)