(A)   Purpose and goals. The purpose of the purchasing policies and procedures is to establish standards and procedures to be followed by all departments, trustees, and commissions in the purchase of supplies, materials, parts, equipment and contractual/professional services and to promote public confidence in the integrity of the process, ensure fair and equitable treatment of all people who participate in the purchasing system and maximize the economy in purchasing activities. It is also to provide additional guidance to Chapter 36 of the Village of Romeoville Code of Ordinances.
   (B)   Code of Ethics. All village personnel engaged in purchasing and related activities have a duty to conduct business dealings in a manner above reproach in every respect. Transactions relating to expenditure of public funds require the highest degree of public trust to protect the interests of the village and its residents. Accordingly, village employees shall strive to:
      (1)   Ensure that public money is spent efficiently and effectively and in accordance with all applicable laws and policy.
      (2)   Maintain proper confidentiality at all times.
      (3)   Purchase without favor or prejudice.
      (4)   Conflicts of interest.
         (a)   Any vendor, supplier, contractor or bidder on a contract shall submit to the village in writing a disclosure statement provided by the village in conformity with ILCS Ch. 65, Act 5, § 3.1-55-10 stating, if applicable, any interest that any person associated with that vendor, supplier or bidder might have in the government of the village including serving on an advisory panel or commission, and including service as an employee of the village. Such disclosure statement shall further provide all information reasonably required in response to the requirements of this section. In cases where the expense of a contract, bid or proposal exceeds the sum of $100,000, the vendor, supplier, contractor or bidder shall also identify the names of all persons holding an ownership interest in the vendor, supplier or bidder in excess of 1% who are related as spouse, parent, child, sibling, aunt, uncle or cousin to any person then holding elected office or any employment position with the village. In the event that any part of the contract, bid or proposal in question is to be subcontracted to one or more subcontractors (including materials suppliers) or to one or more tiers of subcontractors (including materials suppliers), the vendor, supplier, contractor or bidder in question shall also cause the foregoing information to be provided with respect to all subcontractors (including materials suppliers) in all subcontracting tiers. The truthfulness and accuracy of the disclosure statement shall be the responsibility of the vendor, supplier, contractor or bidder in question. The failure to supply the disclosure statement required hereunder shall constitute grounds for rejecting any bid, proposal, or award of a contract.
         (b)   No vendor, supplier, bidder or contractor shall be eligible to enter into any contract with the village having a value or expense in excess of $100,000 where a person holding an ownership interest in excess of 1% in such vendor, supplier, bidder or contractor is related as spouse, parent, child, sibling, aunt, uncle or cousin to any person then holding elected office or any employment position with the village, where such employment position in any way involves the review or approval of bids, contracts, proposals or purchases. In cases where all or a portion of such contract is to be subcontracted to one or more subcontractors (including materials suppliers) or to one or more tiers of subcontractors (including materials suppliers), a vendor, supplier, bidder or contractor shall not be eligible to enter into any such contract with the village if a person holding an ownership interest in excess of 1% in any subcontractor in any tier of subcontractors is related as spouse, parent, child, sibling, aunt, uncle or cousin to any person then holding elected office or any employment position with the village where such employment position in any way involves the review or approval of bids, contracts, proposals or purchases.
         (c)   No vendor, supplier, bidder or contractor shall be eligible to enter into any contract with the village having a value or expense in excess of $100,000 (or any group or series of multiple contracts that, in a given calendar year or given fiscal year of the village, has an aggregate value or expense in excess of $100,000) if such vendor, supplier, bidder or contractor then employs any elected village official or any village employee, or then possesses or maintains any compensated independent contracting or consulting relationship with any elected village official or any village employee.
         (d)   No vendor, supplier, bidder or contractor shall be eligible to enter into any contract with the village having a value or expense in excess of $100,000 (or any group or series of multiple contracts that, in a given calendar year or given fiscal year of the village, has an aggregate value or expense in excess of $100,000) if such vendor, supplier, bidder or contractor then employs or possesses or maintains any compensated independent contracting or consulting relationship with any individual who was employed by the village or served as an elected official of the village at any time during the preceding two years.
   (C)   Equal opportunity/non discrimination. All potential suppliers shall have an equal opportunity to submit bids or quotations and to compete on an equal basis for the village business.
      (1)   Purchasing agents should establish and maintain procedures to ensure that fair and equal consideration is given to each offer or quotation received and that selection is based upon the lowest responsible bid or other appropriate criteria.
      (2)   All purchase orders and contracts to which the village is party, shall contain a non-discrimination in employment clause which provides: "The vendor agrees that in performing under this purchase order with the contracting municipality, he shall not discriminate against any worker, employee or applicant, or any member of the public because of race, religion, color, national origin or sex, ancestry, age, marital status, physical or mental handicap, or unfavorable discharge from military service. The vendor further agrees that this clause will be incorporated in all contracts entered into with suppliers of materials or services who may perform any such labor or services in connection with this contract."
      (3)   Even if such clause is not included, the above clause shall be construed to be incorporated as a part of such purchase orders and contracts.
(Ord. 2189-92, passed 9-16-92; Am. Ord. 21-1706, passed 5-19-21)