(A)   All subdivisions shall be designed to conform with the planning principles and the layout and design requirements of this section and the Zoning Code, Chapter 159.
   (B)   Basic principles exist which should be recognized and heeded in designing circulation layout. These principles concern the design of entire street systems rather than individual elements of the system, and so express concepts rather than specific standards. In applying them, however, specific standards for pavements widths, intersection design, and related design features are essential.
   (C)   Basic consideration in the design of local circulations systems must recognize the factors of:
      (1)   Safety for both vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
      (2)   Efficiency of service for all users.
      (3)   Livability or amenities, especially as affected by traffic elements in the circulation system.
      (4)   Economy of both construction and use of land.
   (D)   Each of the following principles is an elaboration of one or more of these four factors. The principles are not intended as absolute criteria, since instances may appear where certain principles conflict. The principles should, therefore, be used as guides to proper systems layout.
      (1)   Adequate vehicular and pedestrian access should be provided to all parcels.
      (2)   Local street systems should be designed to minimize through-traffic movements.
      (3)   Local street systems should be logical and comprehensible, and systems of street names and house numbers should be simple, consistent, and understandable.
      (4)   Local circulation systems and land development patterns should not detract from the efficiency of major and collector streets.
      (5)   Elements in the local circulation system should not have to rely on extensive traffic regulations in order to function efficiently and safely.
      (6)   Traffic generators within residential areas should be considered in the local circulation pattern.
      (7)   Planning and construction of residential streets should clearly indicate their function.
      (8)   The local street system should be designed for a relatively uniform low volume of traffic.
      (9)   Local streets should be designed to discourage excessive speeds.
      (10)    Pedestrian-vehicular conflict points should be minimized.
      (11)   A minimum amount of space should be devoted to street uses.
      (12)   There should be a minimum number of intersections.
      (13)   The arrangement of local streets should permit economical and practical patterns, shapes, and sizes of development parcels.
      (14)   Local streets should be related to topography from the standpoint of economics, drainage, and amenities.
      (15)   Open space areas should be provided, commensurate with the projected population density of the development.
      (16)   Major elements of the street system may be used to help define and buffer different land use areas, enhancing their identity and cohesiveness.
      (17)   The street and pedestrian circulation pattern in a new residential subdivision should be compatible with the village's land use and street and highway plan.
      (18)   Subdivision layout should minimize the overall length of streets.
      (19)   A residential area should be conveniently accessible from major streets and highways.
      (20)   Access points to major and collector street facilities should be limited in number, given special design consideration, and, whenever possible, located where other features are not competing for a driver attention.
      (21)   Driveway entrances should be prohibited on major streets, and whenever possible on collector streets in residentially- zoned areas.
      (22)   Through-traffic on local residential streets should be avoided where practical.
      (23)   Lot layout in residential subdivisions should be designed to reduce the incidence of housing on major streets.
      (24)   Public utilities, including water, storm sewer, and sanitary sewer facilities, should be existing or proposed by the developer of the village of a size adequate to serve the proposed subdivision and any future development they may be required to service.
   (E)   Layout and design requirements for proposed lots of record and outlots.
      (1)   Subdivisions shall consist solely and exclusively of lots of record, outlots, easements, public right-of-way, and public improvements.
      (2)   All proposed lots of record shall front on a public street or roadway, and shall be as rectangular in shape as possible.
      (3)   All proposed lots of record shall meet or exceed the lot size dimensions and area requirements of any applicable zoning regulations; provided further, however, that these lots shall meet or exceed the following dimensional requirements:
Land use category
Lot depth (feet)
Lot width (feet)
Open space
      (4)   Rear, side, and front yard easements shall be dedicated to the village for use by the village and private utility companies (for gas, electricity, cable T.V., water, storm sewer, sanitary sewer, and the like) as provided herein. Wherever possible, rear yard easements should be avoided.
      (5)   Where double frontage residential lots are platted abutting a major or collector street, a landscape treatment, in combination with a no-access strip, shall be depicted on those lots adjacent to the street, and the applicable rear yard setback requirements shall be increased 15 feet for lots abutting major streets.
   (F)   Layout and design requirements for proposed blocks.
      (1)   Blocks shall not exceed 1,500 lineal feet in length, nor be less than 600 feet in length. Pedestrian ways leading to schools, parks, other common destinations, or as deemed necessary by the Planning & Zoning Commission, shall be provided.
      (2)   The shape of blocks shall be determined by topographical features, the basic street system and traffic pattern, lot depths, and areas designated for public and other non-residential uses.
      (3)   Where a subdivision borders upon or is traversed by a railroad right-of-way or major street, the Planning & Zoning Commission may require a street on one or both sides of that right-of-way or street, located approximately parallel to and at a distance removed suitable for the appropriate use of the intervening land; i.e., park purposes, deep residential lots fronting on it with a no-access strip along the rear property lines, and off-street parking, business, or other uses as permitted by the zoning code.
(Ord. 2313-95, passed 2-1-95; Am. Ord. 12-1014, passed 11-7-12)