No private sewage disposal system or component thereof shall be installed, constructed, extended, or repaired in the county, except in accordance with this subchapter, and it shall be unlawful to proceed with such work unless a permit therefor shall have first been obtained from the Health Authority. However, where connection is to be made to a public sewer, arrangements shall be made with the municipality owning the sewer rather than the County Health Department. The routine cleaning of disposal system components, replacing septic tank covers, adding septic tank access risers, or rodding out the building sewer or septic tank inlet and outlet do not require a permit.
   (A)   Application for permit. Application for such a permit shall be made in writing to the Health Department in such form as prescribed by the Health Authority. Each application shall be accompanied by a plan identifying the subject property and accurately depicting the property lines and dimensions of the lot. Within the site plan, all existing and proposed structures, driveways, patios, easements, and in ground swimming pools shall be located an include dimensions and distance to property lines. The location of all existing and proposed wells, sewers, septic tanks, sewage disposal systems, cisterns, water lines, underground utility lines, drainage tiles, privy vaults, waterways, lakes, ponds, streams, ravines, wooded areas, and other related entities shall also be shown along with appropriate separation distances. Similar information as listed above shall be included for neighboring property which may impact the location of the proposed private sewage disposal system.
   (B)   Permit fee. For renovation on a developed property, a fee of $125 shall accompany each application, except as herein noted. A permit fee of $65 shall be charged for septic tank repair, septic tank baffle replacement, building sewer repair or replacement, repair or replacement of any solid piping, distribution box replacement, or repair of ten linear feet or less of subsurface seepage fields. For construction of a new building, a fee of $150 shall accompany each application.
   (C)   Evaluation of application.
      (1)   Upon submission of the application for permit, including the site plan and all necessary components, the Health Authority shall review said application prior to issuance of a permit. With the addition to the information contained within the site plan, the Health Authority shall evaluate site specific soil characteristics.
      (2)   The absorption capabilities of the soil shall be determined from among percolation test results, soil classification information obtained from the soil survey, and/or on-site soil borings as determined by the Health Authority on an individual basis.
      (3)   Soils information may be supplied to the Health Authority by qualified soil scientists, consulting engineers, sanitarian, or other individuals approved by the Health Authority.
      (4)   If the information provided is insufficient to conduct an adequate evaluation, the Health Authority may require additional information, including more detailed soil or engineering studies or aerial photographs. On-site test pits on the subject property may also be required by the Health Authority.
      (5)   It shall be the responsibility of the applicant or an authorized agent of the applicant to obtain all requested data and to design a system which shall meet the requirements of this subchapter.
   (D)   Issuance of permit.
      (1)   If the Health Authority, upon review of said application, finds that such application meets the requirements of this subchapter, and upon payment of the required fee, a permit shall be issued to the application.
      (2)   Such permit shall include specifications specific to each private sewage disposal system and shall include a statement as to any restrictions relating to the components, type, or a size system that shall be installed. The permit issued by the Health Authority is in addition to any required building permit and shall be obtained prior to issuance of a building permit.
   (E)   Property owner’s responsibility. It shall be the responsibility of the property owner to secure a permit before any construction or repair is begun on the owner’s system. Failure of the property owner to obtain said permit before construction or repair is begun shall constitute a violation of this subchapter, and penalty action may be taken.
   (F)   Private sewage disposal system installation contractor’s responsibility. It shall be the responsibility of the private sewage disposal system installation contractor to ensure that a permit has been issued before any construction or repair is begun on any system, and to follow the conditions of said permit. Failure of the private sewage disposal system installation contractor to ensure said permit has been issued or to violate the conditions of said permit shall constitute a violation of this subchapter, and penalty action may be taken.
   (G)   Permit validity. Said permit to construct is valid for a period of 12 months from the date of issuance. If construction has not started within this period, the permit is void.
(Prior Code, § 4-4-7) (Ord. passed 6-16-1992; Ord. passed 3-21-1995; Ord. passed 12-22-1998; Ord. passed 8-19-2003) Penalty, see § 51.99