(A)   Encroachment of streets. It shall be the duty of the Building Inspector to notify all persons about to erect any building, sidewalk, wall, or fence near the street or any public way or alley not to encroach upon such street or public alley. If, in the opinion of the City Manager, any such obstruction is being or has been constructed on any street or public alley, the City Manager shall cause a survey of the line of the street or alley to be made by a competent surveyor. If the survey shall show that the street or alley is obstructed by the building, sidewalk, wall, or fence, the owner shall be required to pay the actual cost of the survey and shall be required to remove all obstructions at once.
(Prior Code, § 93.09)
   (B)   Blocking streets. It shall be unlawful for any singer or player of any musical instrument to use the streets or any public place as a place to attract crowds at such times when the streets are congested.
(Prior Code, § 93.11)
Penalty, see § 152.99