(A)   Any person desiring to perform towing work at police request shall submit an application for wrecker service license in duplicate to the Chief of Police.
   (B)   Application forms shall be obtained from the office of the Chief of Police. These forms shall state:
      (1)   The name of the applicant/owner and the name of the business, if different from the name of owner; the home and business address; and telephone number;
      (2)   The storage lot on which towed vehicles will be stored is located within the city limits or approved by the Chief of Police and additional information concerning the size and security features of the lot;
      (3)   The towing equipment available, its size, and capacity;
      (4)   A complete listing of the insurance policies, complying with § 113.21, and the carriers and agents the wrecker applicant would place into effect upon license approval; and
      (5)   Such other information as the Chief of Police may find reasonably necessary to determine whether or not the requirements of this chapter will be complied with and that it is in the best interest of the public health, safety, and welfare to issue a license to the applicant.
(Prior Code, § 113.20) (Ord. passed 5-9-1989)